Buy Now, Pay Later – discussion aplenty at this interactive event!

The Buy Now, Pay Later event hosted at Osborne Clarke on Thursday was not only fascinating, it represented a new style of event we’re running enabling greater audience participation. Inspired by our event earlier in the year with the University of Bristol on FinTech for Good, we wanted to involve the audience rather than have something where people simply turn up, listen and go again. And it worked really well!

We have such a pool of knowledge in the region, and by getting everyone round a very large table with the presenters mixed in with the audience, we all got involved in the discussion around BNPL, it’s impact, opportunities and regulation.

Zoha Shahid Chaudhry, who undertook her University of the West of England FinTech MSc dissertation on BNPL, covered the research and made some great observations regarding the impact of BNPL on the younger generation. She concluded that there is a clear risk of it being used irresponsibly and regulation was a clear need.

Sam Lockwood from tranch then covered the B2B versions of BNPL which are very different from consumer lending and indeed, each other. He also described some of the differences between the US and UK and concluded there was significant growth opportunities in the sector.

Ben Player from Osborne Clarke - UK talk was very timely following the issue of the HM Treasury consultation document the week before. We had a fascinating insight into what the likely impact of regulation will be and how it will affect the market and consumers.

Glenn Smith of Roqqett wrapped up the presentations covering some excellent analysis of the market, business models and how they work. We were able to see how they make their money and have plenty of discussion around the threats and opportunities that face the businesses and markets in the future.

With more special interest topics coming, the only challenge is finding tables big enough, although they don’t have to be round! Special thanks to OsborneClarke for hosting.
If you have knowledge that you’d like to share with FinTech West’s large and talented community, get in touch. 


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